Monday, 21 August 2017

Day 6

What things have you covered in today’s sessions?

Today's session started with a detailed tutorial on how to create groups on Edmodo. We have also practiced how to create folders and add contents into them for students' access. 

The next task we were given was to create quizzes, polls, assignments just like we did on Friday, yet more detailed and and aimed to a target that is introducing our countries. After completing the task, we shared our group codes with each other and did each other's activities, which was fun. 

We have also learnt how to track our students' progress, in which case it was our friends from the course. We learnt that written feedback can also be given along with scores for the students' written assignment. 

After a little bit of practice of the things we can do on Edmodo, we jumped on how to use SnagIt, a screen capture software. Then, we used SnagIt to create tutorial/instructional videos such as how to create playlists and how to subscribe to a channel on YouTube. 

What technologies have you been exposed to?

We have been exposed to Edmodo on which we did more exercise and we have also done our first practice using SnagIt.

How might you use the technologies/techniques in your own teaching and learning?


Edmodo can be used for a variety of purposes which will in turn will add up to the use of technology in our classes. Through the use of online classrooms students can have an access to sources shared by the teacher, they can share their ideas through discussions, do assignments online, get instant feedback and monitor their own progress.

I believe that it will make the classroom content more enjoyable for students, an will also make it easier for teachers to track their students progress. Below you can see the screen capture of our NILE course on Edmodo.


Snagit can be used for a variety of purposes two of which are, the most important ones for us as teachers, giving feedback and creating instructional videos. We can create instructional videos about course content or anything that is relevant to their interests and share it on Edmodo or Moodle. 

Below you can see a short instructional video prepared by myself on How to Subscribe to a channel on Youtube. 

Or the teacher can use it to give individualised feedback. Another way of using screen capture technology is for teacher training or reflection

What value would these techniques/technologies add to your teaching and learning?

What challenges do you foresee?

Day 9

Quizlet Check Case studies on Blended Learning Presentations Moodle